Over the years, I have tried many times to blog.
When I was a fashion photographer, I had a successful blog that showed the behind the scenes of my work, as well as the technical and business aspects of fashion photography.
When I left fashion photography behind, that blog fizzled and died.
I tried again while I was working on my MA Playwriting and MFA Theatre Directing. Life, classes, and assignments didn’t allow me to actually dedicate any time to a blog. I did, however, during that time keep up on daily pages – but who wants to read what I was thinking at that time in my life?
Now 4+ years after finishing my graduate education, I’m going to try again. I’m unsure what this blog is, how often I will post, or if this will be the only post I ever make; I’m sure life, work and projects will eat up my time yet again.
Today, I work as a director and designer for theatre projects and a broadcast producer & consultant for YouTubers, rocket companies and a large independent media outlet. I spend most of my days in the dark in a theatre, in my control room at my studio, or staring at YouTube analytics trying to understand the behaviors of audiences.
Maybe it’s my age, but I think for once in my life, I don’t actually care if anyone reads this blog. I will just write, for me, my daily pages — and if it helps someone, or provides inspiration to someone, or just sits here as a record that I exist – that shall be ok.